Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Bono (U2) about poverty, justice and God's bless

I always loved U2 and Bono. This speech is very moving (and challenging) but also very humorous. A must see! Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rock on the Rock - Flyer, programm and full website

There's news from Rock on the Rock! The complete website is online now. You will find all the bands and links to their music.

The mp3s of Luminous from USA, you can download on their MySpace-site, are playing continuosly on my player. I am looking forward to them, and of course FireFly that were there last year either. And there's much more to explore of course. And my Blog is linked in their links section. Nice!

And there's a flyer too. You will find here:

M:M // The festival

Finally I am able to report you about the festival itself. Tuesday afternoon we were going to the festival ground. But before we had a meeting with Tommy Femrite for the intercessors. She teached about intercession and we talked how it would work there in this ministry. As violence would be the strongest force over mongolia we should not complain, grumble or moan. Instead we should bless as we want to be a blessing for this nation and not a curse. I was lucky cause we had such a wonderful place with this guesthouse and nothing to complain about.
Another answer would be the mercy inercessors who often prayed by their tears. I never thought that I could be one of them. For years now I had not been able to weep. But we were told that especially those who heard that they should not cry and those who swore not to weep any more could possibly be mercy inercessors! So I am obviously one of them. We had to stand up and we got prayer. Nice!

Then we were divided into the prayer teams. My prayerpartner was Keith whom I knew from the prepararion weekend. He said to me: It was obvious to him that we would be together.

Over rough and smooth we went then to the festival ground in a very full bus. We passed the luxurious Hotel Mongolia, a former temple. The street was very bad and dusty. But the landscape was excellent. We went along a river shore, in the background the hills and we passed interesting villages with spotted modern buildings.

After we arrived we first set up our things. There was a hall in a building behind the stage. On the left side the women had to sleep, on the right the men, divided just by a curtain. The toilets were very adventurous too. A little wooden hut, the floor had flagstones and in the middle a small gap. Everything had to pass through this. Within a short amount of time it was very scruffy and it smelled like in the hog house. Wonderful! As you almost did not sweat every fluid had to come out of the body here. There was a water container there, but the faucets gave no water. There were no showers there. The only chance would have been to wash in the icecold river. The mongolians slept in tents. It felt a little bit like freakstock. But the landscape was much better!

And then the festival finally begun - though a little delayed. A mongolian band opened up using the traditional horse-head fiddle. Very moving! As a few riders with banners arrived on the top of the hill behind many begun to weep. Everyone made fotos and had tears in their eyes. So had I. Finally they raised a cross and came into the festival ground. And everytime the mongolians participatet on full volume. It always touched me to see the mongolians worshipping God. At the night times it was always full before the stage. And the young and the old were there. To some extent the old were dancing even more and wilder. There was a mongolian hallelujah song that became kind of a hit. Everyone was singing it even afterwards.

As the prayer team we were on duty from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Perhaps there were about 50 intercessors partet into 5 teams with leader and coleader for each. Our leaders were great. Chung Chi from singapore and Sarah from USA. The team was completely German. It was funny to talk and to pray in English when we had our meetings :).

Every hour we made something different: Walking, Rejoicing and Resting. During the walking time we walked praying over the place with open eyes of course to see what happened and how the spiritual atmosphere would be like. There were a few buddhists and shamanists trying to curse us. As the were doing it by walking we were undoing by walking as well. Some of us experienced some interesting stories.
As we were rejoicing we joined the worship and prayed that people would be let into the presence of God. And resting were of course the breaks that were far too short. It was pretty cool to be part of it though it was very exhausting. It was very hot and the air was really dry. At the latest of the afternoon of the second day I was finished. And during the whole of the third day I was lying down unable to do anything more. So I almost do not know what happened all day.

Every day at 9.00 am and 5:00 pm there was a wonderful thing: Tommy Femrite, Billy or Gila Rohsmann gave a teaching about prayer for the mongolians. It is wonderful to see the mongolians worship but it is even greater to see them here. After every sentence (that of course had to be translated first) the screamed together: "Amen!" There were always practical issues about prayer. Different ways of prayer: Sitting, lying, with raised arms, kneeling and walking about. One expression was to reach in the different directions in the sky and to proclaim the truth of God over the land. Very powerful. One day we had the chance to pray for a deaf man. He was healed. Praise the lord!

On Friday afternoon Andy Park was playing once more (he played a lot of delirious stuff. Wonderful!). He led into a ministrytime that was all about acceptance, the father's love of God and very intimate times with Jesus. He asked the intercessors to pray for the people. He said sometimes God comes quick sometimes it takes time. So he took a lot of time for this thing. That was such an intense time full of God's love.

So I prayed for the people. Though they did not understand a word they were really open. And I went through the ranks and prayed for the people. Suddenly a young girl went under the power of god down to the ground. I took out my umbrella and held it over her so that she would not lie in the full sun. The girl was crying and intensly praying. A few steps away demons were going out of another woman lying on the earth. Then two other intercessors prayed for an elder man I prayed before. Suddenly he was falling on his face. He was lying there, his cap before him crying real hard. When he raised to his feet again there was only dust on his nose. Nothing seemed to happen to him, he was unhurt.

Finally someone laid another umbrella over the girl and I could move on. I searched for Keith, my praying partner. I found him praying for a young man. I went to them to give them shadow and pray with them. Exactly as I was putting the umbrella over them the man was falling down. I did not even had the chance to put down my daypack. Crazy!

At the night times most of the people were worshipping. It was always full there at the stage during these times. It was said that there were about 4,500 participants. Many of them had to work during the day I think. On one evening with Walter Heidenreich and Tengerin Doo about 50 people followed an altar call to give their life to Jesus.
As I had to get up early in the morning I could not stay as long in the night as I wanted. As our sleeping place was directly behind the stage we didn't miss so much. So I could not sleep so very well. But the presence of God was always strong. If you could not sleep so well it was at least in the very presence of God. That always touched me.

There were some stands where you could by food. It really tasted quite well. We often got some of these flesh bags that were very tasty. Then we had rice and chicken or a meat skewer (this tasted more like rubber). There was lemonade (Fanta) too. But all different sorts tasted the same and were awful.

I could tell so much more but I will stop here. I only just want to tell that the leadership thanked us so effusively. Every teamleader had the chance to say thank you to his team. That was great! I hope there soon will be another chance to make intercession in this way!

At the end we had to help to dismantle the festival. I felt very soon sick again so I was laying down again. They burnt all the garbage. What an awful smoke! How great it was to be back again in the guesthouse and having the chance of a wonderful and long shower. That was soooo good. Now there was no dust in the hair all the time and I could really relax.

On the last evening we had a meeting in a wonderful chinese restaurant. The food was delicious. We talked about the festival. I was feeling bad again cause I had fever. There were told great stories. Now, what's next?

Monday, June 26, 2006

M:M // HELP - their work there

We had the chance to visit some places in Ulaan Batar where HELP International is working on Monday before the festival begun. It was very moving to see how many people are literally saved from death.

There is a big alcohol problem. During winter (almost the whole year) many drunk people are lying on the street. They will freeze to death if no one is bringing them in into the warmth. So a team is collecting them. They can stay for the night and get eventually some new clothes. Then they have to go again.

One of them is coming regularly to church services. For years now he never touched again alcohol because he was so thankful that his life was saved. A real miracle because those people are really addicted to alcohol!

There is a church in Sharhad amidst a ger-district and a wonderful new kindergarden for 50 kids. Even in the middle of UB the mongolians live in these Gers, the roundtents. After the festival a team came back there for outreach. I had the ability to join them for one day - one day before my flight. It was wonderful though I felt very sick. That was really a wonderful team. Only women and a married man. With many of them I stayed a lot of times during the festival, Keith was my praying partner.

We had a genious prayer and worshiptime together. It flowed, some of the songs we sung I just had on my lips. We had many words with water and living streams that the drought over mongolia will be ended - spirituall and naturally! When we begun praying for vertain ones of us some psychic wounds broke up and many cried. A very intense time. And really a wonderful team that fittet perfectly together.

Me and another woman (Ulla) had another meeting in the evening cause it was our last day. So we did something different than this team that stayed a week longer. We went together with Ingrid, who was leading this outreach, to visit some people in their gers.

The poorest of the poor. Not to compare to our wonderful luxurious gers in the guesthouse. Everywhere where garbage, the gers had no foundation build directly on the dirt of the ground and no fence surrounding it. In the first one only a boy was at home, the rest of his family was on the way. Ulla tried to tell the gospel. Finally we prayed and (very important) embraced him. I think he was touched.

Im zweiten Ger wohnten zwei arbeitslose Männer, die den ganzen Tag nur im Bett lagen. Auch diesmal war nur einer da, der tatsächlich auch vorher am Schlafen war. Die Frauen meinten, dass das nun mein Job sei - schluck. Diese Bude war noch ärmlicher und kleiner, ihre Notdurft verrichteten sie direkt in eine Schüssel am Eingang. Ich erzählte ihm, dass Jesus sein bester Freund sei und er ihm alles sagen könne, egal ob Kummer oder Freude, Jubel oder Zorn. Auch für ihn konnten wir noch beten (und ihn umarmen). Ulla erzählte ihm von ihrem Sohn, der drei Jahre auch nur im Bett herumlungerte und jetzt eine tolle Computerfirma hat. Ich glaube, dass Jesus ihn stark berührt hat.

Ein anderer Dienst hat mir sehr gut gefallen. An erhöhter Stelle in UB gibt es einen Turm. In den unteren Stockwerken ist eine Kinder WG, wo Straßenkinder aufgenommen werden. Im obersten Stockwerk ist ein Gebetszimmer für die Mongolei, das allen Gemeinden der Stadt offen steht. Es ist rund um die Uhbr zugänglich! Man überblickt von hier wirklich die ganze Stadt! Wow, hier wäre ich gerne länger geblieben!

Einen Ort möchte ich noch hervorheben: In einem anderen Ger-Distrikt wohnt ein junger Mann mit seiner Familie und er betreut eine Jungen WG. Er selber lebte auf der Straße, dealte mit Drogen, als er von Jesus hörte. Er gab sein Leben sogar Jesus, aber er folgte ihm nicht wirklich nach, verließ nie sein Milieu. Erst seit kurzem tat er dies und ist jetzt Feuer und Flamme und leistet diesen wunderbaren Dienst in der Gemeinde. Man sieht regelrecht Jesus in seinem Leben. Er strahlt richtig!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

M:M - There and Back again

Well, I'm back. It was wonderful, but I suffered a sunstroke and a gastrointestinal infect. So it will take a little time to report!

It always touched me to see the mongolians worship God. Unbelievable, such a childish faith, a great potential. Almost anytime during this festival there was this awesome presence of God, I saw some miracles (an elderly woman of our team was healed in her eyes. She could not read things in close distance and now she was showing it to everyone!)

I was really happy to have been there. A lot of things I feared did not happen at all. The flights were not so bad as the flight last year to Thailand (my first flight then). The flight back to Berlin really was fun :)

Before reaching the festival place some of us slept at a wonderful guesthous called Oasis. I tell you it's a dream: Held by an german-austrian couple with normal toilets, warm showers and western food. And we slept in this wonderful round tents, the gers! A paradise compared to the place we had to stay during the festival. Such a grace :)

Most of the time the weather was wonderful, the sun was shining, almost no wind. The strange thing there is: it is extremely hot but you are not sweating at all. You really have to drink a lot. So every fluid has to leave the body at the toiltet. A real challenge when you have seen the toilets there :(

But the best is: when I had to leave I really was sorry that I had to go. I really would have liked to stay at least a week. What a great change! But as I was sick I was glad that I was able to leave nevertheless.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Mission:Mongolia - a small Website now in English

My little Website about my trip to Mongolia is now in English too. Here you will find an animation and some details about the trip and the vision behind.

Healing for the Nations

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mongolia, flag & emblem

As I am going to bee soon in Mongolia I will say a few things about this nation. Some of you know that there will be a Worship Festival called "Sound of Heaven". 2006 is the anniversary of the foundation by Genghis Khan 800 years ago. His grandson Kublai Khan was very impressed by the Italian merchant Marco Polo who told him about Jesus. He asked the pope to send 100 christian teachers, but only two reached Mongolia. Finally he decided not to become Christian, but to open the land for the tibetic lamaism.
In the early 90s of the last century the land opened for the West and many missionaries had the oppurtunity to share the gospel: thousands became christians, many miracles happened on the spot. About 1996 there was a worship concert only for god in the desert Gobi. Now there will be a festival for 3 days: 72 hours of nonstop worship. This time with the worldwide body of Christ participating. They are expecting about 5,000 people. This could be a turning point for the whole country this time having the chance again to turn to Christ as a whole country!

On general
Mongolia is 1,565,500 km² big and has about 2,4 million inhabitants und 2 million horses . That means about 2 people per km². In the capital Ulaan Batar live 844,786 residents - about a third of the whole inhabitation of the whole country.

The flag of Mongolia

The flag has 3 vertical stripes, the middle blue one representing the "eternal sky", the red ones meaning advance and wealth. The sky-blue has been the national color for centuries. The emblem of Mongolia soyombo has mystical meaning. It has these elements:

  • Fire is a general symbol of wealth and success. The three tongues of the flame represent the past, present, and future.

  • Sun and moon are old symbols of Tengriism for father sky, and thus for the origin of the Mongolian people.

  • The two triangles allude to the point of an arrow or spear. They point downward to announce the defeat of interior and exterior enemies.

  • The two horizontal rectangles give stability to the round shape. The rectangular shape represents the honesty and justice of the people of Mongolia, whether they stand at the top or at the bottom of society.

  • The two fish are the equivalent of the Chinese yin-yang symbol, which illustrates the mutual complement of man and woman. In socialist times, they were alternatively interpreted as a symbol of vigilance, because fish never close their eyes.

  • The two vertical rectangles can be interpreted as the walls of a fort. They represent unity and strength, based on a Mongolian proverb: "The friendship of two is stronger than stone walls.

Coat of arms of Mongolia
We find similiarities in the emblem. The blue background is again the symbol of eternal blue sky. In the centre shall be a combination of the Golden Soyombo and the Treasured Steed, an expression of the independence, sovereignty and spirit of Mongolia . The rest of the symbols are spiritual too. In socialistic times there was used a similiar symbol. Here you can see a normal horse with rider and in the background a rising sun.

Why am I telling you this? Some time ago I was praying for mongolia and the event. Suddenly there was this phrase:
Jesus will raise the sun of righteousness over mongolia.

Then I found the following scripture:
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Malachi 4:2

Then I looked if I could find any parallels in mongolia. And there it is: The sun in both the emblem and the flag, the wings in the horse. Nice!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Line-up: Rock on the Rock_006

The new newsletter is out now. Wonderful, you will find the line up in it. There it is:
21 July:
Andaheart DK_alternative rock
Wonderland S_punk rock
[ dweeb ] UK_rock jazz funk

22 July:
Grafted Branches I_rock
Trust D_hard rock
Frail FIN_rock metal
Stainless DK_indie rock
Boarders I_metal

23 July:
Cross Off I-CH_rock
Triplet P_rock punk emo
Fire Fly UK_rock metal experimental
Luminous USA_indie rock

secondary stage
Matt Riley UK_DJ
e-Sus I_DJ