Monday, August 18, 2008

Spontanous Service on the countryside

Yesterday some of our church members invited us to a spontaneous service at home to his family in Gauting, somewhere in the suburbs of Munich. That was very nice because during August we have no normal church services.

Though it was summer and vacation time there were some people there. It was nice to see them again, to talk and just be together. We had worship and a short input from Jörg. Then there was time to talk and pray... and to get excited by the children :)

In the end there was something to eat. Some meat with tomatoes, cucumbers and so on in pita bread. Delicious! We were sitting together in the garden and in the sun. Nice!

Really exciting that we have some children now - inspite of earlier days. Even more exciting how my attitude towards children changed. Years ago I don't liked children at all, even found them annoying - big time! Now I really like them, even be charmed by them. Don't know if I really would like to have some of my own now... But it is great how the Lord has changed me over the years! And that will continue of course...

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