Friday, March 26, 2010

Prophetic painting while delivering the mail

As some of you know I am working now as a postman at Deutsche Post. First I only did it cause I needed some extra money. I was self-employed at that time as a webdsigner and did not make it very well. But when I continued working God spoke very clear that he wanted me to be there as long as He wanted till he would tell me to quit. Very challening as it is not the dream of a job for me.

At the beginning of last December it was one of those Saturdays. It was very cold, I was freezing though different layers of clothing, it was snowing. And because of an special extra advertising we must deliver every Saturday I exspected to get home very, very late. And as I made my way through all the snow I was praying and fighting with God. There was a prophetic word I received that I had to stay at this place as long till I will be at peace with it. I would be sorry that I would have to leave cause God would do there so much. Impossible to see and believe now. So I am praying and complaining. Asking God how this ever should happen, complaining that I have to do this job at all and that I only wanted to go home...

At some point I reached apartment buildings with mailboxes at the outside. A neighbor is reaching me. He tells me that he wanted to get something asking me to wait. Of course - I continue delivering the mail, I am now at the next house where he lives. He is back now, waiting till I am ready.

Turning to him he begins: He had prayed all day that he would meet me today, he was after other postmen looking if he would find me. Aha! Now he is so happy that he found me. He had asked God if he would give him an impression for his postman. Wow! He then was painting till late half past one in the night! I first thought he would have scribbled something with a pen on a notepad. But no, he really had painted it on a canvas! Wow!

He first covered the other part and explained the picture: He saw an Eagle (symbol for the prophets!) flying through a thunderstorm getting totally wet (how fitting!). He is wearily and only wants to have some peace and quiet. He flies down to sit there and have some rest. The problem: he still is in the rain and wil continue to get wet!

But he should rather soar up in the sky, so hard it might be, and break through the clouds. Up on the mountain top - being only some meters above the clouds - he could rest, dry and take a sunbath (= to rejoice in his God). Here he would have escaped the storm and would no longer get wet!

I can tell you that almost took my breath away! There is someone I hardly know asking Jesus to give him a prophetic picture for his postman (me :)). And above of it he is painting it and very, very cool (Very important for an artist like me. The week before I went to a prophetic art seminar were I got a painting as well. The impression was okay but the painting artificially not so good). And additionally the painting was the exact answer to my prayers on that morning! I was close to tears and deeply touched!

I found out that I went to the seminar together with his wife. As he was presenting me his painting it was snowing. But later the sun came out :)

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