Tuesday, June 03, 2008


These days I have been planing a trip into the nations. I have been very excited, if I would manage all preparations in time. What would I need to take with me, would I have to buy some things, is there something I would have to do or prepare for it?
I have my job as a postman, luckily there was an appointment for 2 internet banners for the Spotlight Verlag. Of course they should be finished before the trip! A little bit of stress...

As I now have a regular income I was able to buy some things. I bought a new digital watch (cell phones are not allowed in this country), some new trousers. And finally I got my own sunglasses for my own eyes (as I have weak eyes regular sunglases won't do). Very expensive: 300, - €!

Then I had to buy new glasses for my spectacles. The old one were somehow misty. One layer of the covering seemed to be destroyed by great heat. The only possible thing to do was to replace them by new ones. He could give me 50% allowance. But still it was 150,- €

It all arrived just in time. So I was able to go to this trip with new spectacles, an alternate one and my new sunglasses! Gift Nr.1!

Doing these internet banners was great fun. I was able to do them in Flash and in comic style. It was long time ago since I could some banners and even longer that I could do something for a customer in comic style. Very nice Gift Nr. 2!

And now we come to the very best. As I am doing trip into the nations from time to time it was very annoying to me to have no own digitla camera. I always had to lent one, never be sure if I would get one. There were always problems - no enough memory or the camera was out of order. For my trip I still did not have a camera. Some friends of my church said that something had to be done about it. And they went and bought me a new and up-to-date camera! Very cooool! Finally my own camera. I am able now not only to document my trips but can bring more color to my blog entries. Very exciting!

Und jetzt kommt das Allerbeste. Ich bin ja öfter in den Nationen unterwegs, da ich bisher keine eigene Digicam hatte, war das immer nervig, sich eine auszuleihen, unsicher, ob ich überhaupt eine bekomme - und wie die dann auch noch funktioniert. Für die aktuelle Reise hatte ich noch keine. Leute aus der Gemeinde meinten, dass man da doch was machen müsste... Heute haben sie mir eine topaktuelle Kamera besorgt und geschenkt. Seeeehr geil! Endlich ne eigene Kamera. Nun kann ich nicht nur ausgiebig meine Reisen dokumentieren, sondern auch meine Blogeinträge aufpeppen. Man darf gespannt sein! Geschenk Nr. 3!

Thank you, Jesus! Thanks to the donators!

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